Monday, September 22, 2014

How do I change the Windows 7 login screen background?

It starts with registry editing

Don’t let it scare you, but we start by making a single, simple change to the Windows registry.
Fire up regedit, most easily by clicking on Start, then Run, or typing the Windows key + R, and typing regedit in the resulting dialog:
Start Run regedit
You may need to confirm a UAC prompt.
In Registry Editor, expand by clicking the small triangle to the left of each:
..Down Widget SOFTWARE
….Down Widget Microsoft
……Down Widget Windows
……..Down Widget CurrentVersion
……….Down Widget Authentication
…………Down Widget LoginUI
and then click on the Background item:
LoginUI Background registry setting
Double click on OEMBackground in the right-hand pane and change the value from 0 to 1 (if it’s already 1 you don’t need to change it):
OEMBackground setting
That’s it for registry editing! Close regedit.

A special file in a special place

Next we’ll create a couple of folders (if they don’t already exist), and place our desired background image there.
Fire up Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows\System32\oobe (the “oobe” stands for Out Of Box Experience):
In that folder you will need to create a new folder, “info”, if it does not already exist.
In the info folder you’ll then also need to create another new folder, “backgrounds”:
Basckgrounds folder
Now, place your desired background image into that folder, with the following conditions:
  • It must be named backgroundDefault.jpg
  • It must be smaller than 250k in size
  • It probably should be the same width and height as your screen’s resolution (1600 x 900 in my example).
Background image in folder
That’s it.
You’re done!
Log out and you’ll see your new background image as the login screen background image:
Windows 7 with custom login background

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